Saturday 12 March 2016

Women's International Day

In aid of Women's International Day (on the 8th March), Dazed magazine asked 5 illustrators to create an image that answers the question, what does it mean to be a woman today? All five were completely different but the image by Polly Nor stood out most to me. The image is bright because she wanted to celebrate the progression of women. If you haven't noticed already, the background is a climbing wall. This represents an ongoing struggle for equality and a completely safe society for all women. 
Before reading what the picture represented, I thought the image was all about diversity and the steps that women have taken to gain freedom of speech and the equality that we have today. The names on the t-shirts refer to strong women who have suffered, Sandra Bland causes a lot of controversy because we still don't know the truth leading up to her death and Sarah Reed was allegedly sexually assaulted in hospital. Also, the statement 'black lives matter' really stood out to me because I believe that in this day and age, racism should be abolished but unfortunately, it is still around. The only thing that I would criticise about this piece of work is the fact that all the women are the same size, where is the diversity is body shape? 

Photo Credit - Google Images
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