Thursday 8 October 2015

Fashion as a Career

Why Choose Fashion? When explaining to people that fashion is the sector I want to pursue a career in, I usually get the response that people aren’t very impressed and instantly think that I will solely be learning about clothes and go on shopping trips. This perception is very wrong; there are a huge number of amazing jobs within the fashion industry. For example, most companies currently have a ‘social media manager’ which highlights how social media is becoming a massive part of our daily life. Fast fashion is all we know and the children/teens of our generation are brought up with immediate access to social media platforms. Fashion enables you to find more about culture and travelling, with countries having traditional dress and many having interesting rules about fashion and what is deemed appropriate and unacceptable. Also, if you claim to be disinterested in fashion and/or degrade the subject, it is part of everyday life, you are constantly embracing it, whether you are aware or not. Visually, fashion is an exciting world and jobs such as a visual merchandiser, photographer and stylists act as a platform for your individual creativity. These are just a few jobs within the fashion industry and as you can see, they are all very different and interesting.

Careers in fashion are not just jobs, they are hobbies too!

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