Sunday 19 June 2016

NTU Degree Show 2016

To end our amazing first year of university, myself and a couple of other FCP girls went to look at the degree shows around NTU. We were intrigued to see what third years from our course had produced so we headed straight over to the FCP degree show. I was astounded to see how professional each project was! It was refreshing to see such varied content and it got us all very excited to see what's to come for us in a couple of years!

I also loved the FLIP idea - you could collect as many postcards that you wanted and create your own flip book full of student's work and their contact details. Some of the postcards were beautifully illustrated, others were graphically designed and then there were some quotations! Everyone loves an inspirational quote!

We then moved on to the Graphic Design degree show. I had no idea what to expect from this display, however it was very inspiring, it was clear to see that everyone had found their strengths and had their own way of displaying their creativity. My favourite by far was the middle image on the first row - the cards were really cute and made me laugh! Here are some of the quotes on them:

"A true friend is like a good bra..."
"Just wing it..."
"I like big buns and I cannot lie"
"I've got 99 Bobby Pins but I can't find one"

Any girl can relate to any of these sayings!

 The next stop was the Fashion Design degree show! This is always my favourite stand to visit because when I was younger I wanted to do Fashion Design, however, I realised that FCP was best suited to me. Each stand was so professional and when looking closely at the collections, each garment was finished with perfection! As a previous textiles student, I know how hard it is to perfect a garment. 

Lastly, we looked around the rest of the degree show and found some homewear/product design stands. Again, the talent was outstanding. If you didn't have the chance to visit the degree show this year, make sure you add it to your diary for 2017!

Photo Credit - Chloe Ferdinand

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