Thursday 11 February 2016

BBC Perfume Documentary - "Bottling a memory"

Episode two was about the perfumers, how fragrances are actually made and what influences the scent. Some say that a fragrance should capture a moment. Many people have certain scents that they associate with people or memories. Christopher Brosius is a perfumer who embraces everyday scents and hates 'traditional' perfumes. One of his creations was the scent of an unwashed body, he asked customers what it smelt like and one of them described it as a sweet and spicy scent. Personally, I don't understand why someone would want to buy this scent but Brosius creates every smell. Christopher Brosius was approached by a customer who wanted a fragrance that smelt of England. Brosius took a trip to London and recorded smells such as piped tobacco, old coats, old books, whisky, pubs and transport. From his findings, it took him 5 months to create fragrances that reminded him of his trip to London and then he presented them to the client. Christopher Brosius's aim is always to create something that's more than a nice smell.

Perfumers for brands and companies have the difficult job, they are in charge of sticking to a scent and mixing the right type of solutions and the correct amount. Students who learn to be perfumers have 3 years where they aren't allowed to create any fragrances at all, they have to memorise all the raw materials and have multiple tests to examine their knowledge. 

Re-visit tomorrow for my thoughts on the final episode!

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