Wednesday 7 October 2015

Introduction (FCP) - & Other Stories

Hey – I’m Chloe and will be using my blog “Much Love.. Chlo” to document current work that I have been completing at Nottingham Trent University.

As well as sharing my ideas, I will be posting my thoughts on various elements within the fashion industry, from articles to catwalk shows etc. FCP (Fashion Communication and Promotion) is the course I chose to study at University. This course was enticing because it covers a broad range of subjects within fashion, both creative and business orientated. Fashion is an evolving sector and as a passion I cannot wait to get straight into the course. The pre-arrival task for the course got me to research various digital, retail and printed examples of companies that promote their brand well. I had to focus on aspects that engaged me personally and why I liked their concepts.

Whilst researching, I found “& Other Stories” and their current story that really inspired me and made me think about the future of fashion. “Transgender Stories” is a concept whereby & Other Stories have promoted the unique idea that explains how current fashion has gradually developed into fashion that has been combined for both sexes. There is no longer a distinct difference between men and women’s fashion. Their story includes a video that explores 5 transgender creatives that tell the story of challenging the traditional notion of identity within fashion. The main message is to enhance identity and not feel insecure about breaking barriers between male and female trends. As the people featured in the campaign are revealing their personal journeys, it makes the concept more sensitive for viewers.


If this post interests you, revisit my blog for more information about what my course entails and what tasks we get set!

Photo Credit - & Other Stories

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